

欢迎来到我们的在线视频收藏. 希望您喜欢我们提供的产品. On this page you will find video oral histories, Western 肖肖尼 songs, and other types of video.

Videos of oral histories and interviews with elders are available in the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 library. The links following the description of the elders will allow you to view a short clip on what they are about and represent.








佛罗伦萨斯蒂尔 & 李月

佛罗伦萨斯蒂尔 and 李月 tell the Goshute creation story about the coyote and the duck ladies. 它们的名字“Goshute”也有相同的起源." They explain how different parts of animals were used as tools, and which plants were used as food. Florence and Lee also describe some of the dances and ceremonies of their Ute neighbors as well.

佛罗伦萨斯蒂尔 & 李文短片


Vivian Cinnibar is very knowledgeable about the role 她的家人 played in history of the Western 肖肖尼. She explains the controversy that follows with signing of the Ruby Valley Treaty of 1863 with the United States Government, 即《和平友好条约. 薇薇安讲述了教会如何教育鸭子谷的肖肖尼人, 她在河滨的寄宿学校度过的时光, 还有她小时候很多兄弟姐妹都死于肺结核.


哈罗德•米勒 & 贝弗利Brazzanovich

哈罗德•米勒, 来自沃克印第安人保留地, 谈到了非常丰富而古老的印度传统, 那些影响了他一生的人, 以及印度男人的传统生活方式. 贝弗莉谈到了成为女人的年龄, 印度妇女会参加的仪式, 还有一些与他们传统有关的迷信. 哈罗德对老规矩很在行, 他鼓励印度年轻人尊敬长辈, 学习语言, 不要忘记他们的遗产所处的文化.

哈罗德•米勒 & 贝弗利·布拉扎诺维奇剪辑


戴夫·麦金尼, 生于1907年, 分享了一些他在金溪长大的童年记忆, 内华达. He describes several different jobs he held as a young man and the wages he received. 这些工作包括放牧, 为自然资源保护队修建山城高速公路的一部分, 在内华达州东北部的怀德霍斯建造大坝.  他讲述了最著名的“赛跑哈尼”徒步和他爸爸之间的比赛, “比尔麦金尼,在奥怀希举行的7月4日独立日庆祝活动中,他在马背上说. He also tells about the hand game played at gatherings, and sings one of his hand game songs.



埃莉诺·利特尔讲述了她在米勒溪出生的故事, 她的家人, 以及他们如何来到奥怀希保留地. 她描述了自己在肺结核疗养院的经历, and how her brother passed away from the sickness at the age of sixteen during her early childhood. She shares information about plants used for medicine and Indian beliefs concerning health. She asks that people respect Indians and explains why certain terms are especially offensive.



Ilaine普莱默电子, 详细, describes various memories and recollections during her childhood of growing up in Lee, 和战山. Her grandmother was a medicine woman who had knowledge of powerful stories and natural remedies for illnesses and wounds. Ilaine also shares some of her memories and knowledge of the surrounding area which is now known as the mine, 科特斯. She explains the knowledge and stories that have been passed down to her from her grandmother. 其中包括对死亡的信念, 大鸟的故事,,而且, 一个澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载“水宝宝”的故事.”



雷蒙德Yowell, 出生于埃尔科, 谈论肖肖尼的血统, 由他的大家庭抚养长大的各种事件和记忆, 以及内华达的印第安巫医. He has vast knowledge of Native American hunting traditions, fishing, and seasonal foods. The knowledge of the 肖肖尼 religion has also been passed down to 雷蒙德 as he discusses the beliefs and practices of his people. 他对肖肖尼习俗的了解可以追溯到1850-1870年代, 他分享了他从肖肖尼长老那里得到的东西.



希尔曼托比, 93岁, 分享他的青春时光, 在金字塔湖印第安人保留地生活的回忆, 他上的寄宿学校, 以及他作为木匠的漫长一生. 他描述了他上的那所非常严格的学校, 还有他哥哥是如何让他对自己的制管技术产生兴趣的. 希尔曼工艺品, and shows off some of his most exotic and beautiful pipes that he has sold all around the world. 他讲述了“红柳”,这是烟斗里用来祈祷的烟草.



玛吉·霍尔·普艾拉, of the Western 肖肖尼 speaks about her parents and some of the customs that they passed on down to her. Marge also discusses the different schools that she attended and how segregation was a huge problem during that time. 玛吉带来了她母亲唱歌的录音, 然后解释她在唱什么以及它代表了什么.



Delores Cummings discusses many of the traditional practices that her mother taught her in becoming a woman. 德洛丽丝还解释了他们为死者所做的做法和程序, 描述了她的祖母和索普一家是她的亲戚, and the tradition of making cradle boards and how it still being taught by the new generation. Some advice that Delores offers for the new generation is to respect your elders and the people around you.



安德里亚·伍兹谈论最多的是她的祖母吉玛·琼斯. 吉玛传承了大量澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载西部肖肖尼人生活的知识, 缝纫, 以及内华达州东北部地区的基本生存. These stories are about what Andrea's grandmother's life was like when she was young, 她为了住在不同的牧场做了什么, 这些故事可以追溯到19世纪中期, 以及Gimma拥有的所有才能.


莱尔上螺母 & Eloy查克

莱尔·纳廷和埃洛伊·塞克尔, 同学们, who both grew up and went to the Owyhee school together talk about the challenges it faced in the beginning. Lyle’s dad was the first principal when the school first opened its doors in 1937 to the 肖肖尼 and Paiutes and Lyle discusses the early times and traditions of the school. Eloy与在Owyhee长大的时代有关, 他上学的回忆, 并讨论了体育运动和他们玩的游戏. 用他父亲传下来的知识, Lyle also tells about the construction of the new schools and the reason behind the name of the school.

莱尔上螺母 & Eloy查克


埃里森杰克逊, 肖肖尼, 解释了奥怀希早期的生活方式, 内华达, 他怎么不知道自己的英文名字, 并给出了一个教程的手游戏. 他描述了自己是如何在牧场工作,长大后成为一名牛仔的, 解释了他的一些肖肖尼印第安文化和习俗, 还有狼和土狼的传说. Ellison also sings a song with his drum and mentions how it tells a story about Mother Nature and animals.


伯爵 & 贝弗利床

伯爵 and 贝弗利床 share several 肖肖尼 songs and tell where they originated from. 他们解释了在聚会上用歌曲来跳熊舞的原因, 贝弗利讨论了如何以及为什么玩手游. 厄尔唱各种各样的歌曲,而贝弗利则把这些歌曲翻译成诗歌, 讨论歌曲的道德性, 以及如何告诉他们的孩子. 克拉姆夫妇还讲述了他们在内华达州长大的早期生活, 他们为了食物做了什么, 以及肖肖尼人所遵循的一些传统.

伯爵 & 贝弗利·克拉姆夹子

Evelyn Temoke- Roche

伊芙琳Temoke-Roche, 西部肖肖尼人, 讨论她的风俗习惯, 特莫克这个名字的由来, 还有她的家族史. 伊芙琳的祖父, Muchach, 和父亲, 弗兰克, 都是特莫克部落的首领, 她分享了他们的历史, 他们参与的条约, 以及它们是如何形成的. She also describes of the traditional plants and natural remedies that the 肖肖尼 used for herbal medicine. 伊夫林详细介绍了巫医的角色和力量, 和女人, 在肖肖尼社会和文化中发挥作用.

Evelyn Temoke-Roche Clip


Alvin和Lorraine Sims谈论他们来自天堂谷的家庭, 与他们的早期生活有关, 讨论他们认识的无数家庭. 它们与山姆上尉有关, 西部肖肖尼人的领袖, helped choose Owyhee to be the Western 肖肖尼 Indian Reservation over Carlin Farms, 卡林和纽蒙特矿业公司今天的所在地. Alvin和Lorraine都指的是不同的印度医生, 印度茶, 以及他们用作印度药物的东西. 他们给年轻一代的建议是远离毒品和酒精, 听长辈的话, 作为一个团队一起工作.



内华达Penoli, 她一生都在内华达州度过, shares her stories on the gathering of pine nuts and how the tribes would go about obtaining them. She also tells about some of the living conditions her mother and grandmother endured during the late 1800’s.他们都在马车生活的道路上向内华达州传递故事, 旅行, 以及其他方面. 她目睹了鹿皮如何被做成裤子, 衬衫, 手套, 并描述了动物的每个部位是如何被使用的以及使用的目的. 



卡丽丹, 土著环境网络的成员, speaks about her struggles and the struggles of the Western 肖肖尼 people regarding their land. 她讨论了这片土地的历史, and how the United States government lied to the Western 肖肖尼 people about how they stole their western lands. 嘉莉谈到了政府的逐渐侵犯, 怎么就不是成文法了, and describes how Western 肖肖尼 land has never been argued before any United States court system.



雷蒙德Yowell, 前警长, is speaking at the Indigenous Environmental Network held at South Fork Indian Reservation. This conference focuses on the protection of mother earth and why it is so important.  雷蒙德 goes into detail about the struggle of the 肖肖尼 people due to the United States government illegally taking of their lands. 他讲述了代表肖肖尼人的律师的腐败, 美国政府没有遵守的条约, 西肖肖尼土著领地, 以及西部地区的历史和占领这些地区的印第安人.



哈罗德·米勒首先谈到了他的人民的精神, 他成长过程中的一些记忆, 以及一位长者如何影响他成为今天的他. 雷蒙德, 来自沃克派尤特部落, 分享他对鬼舞历史的了解, 它的意义, 这对他的人民有多重要. 哈罗德还解释了印度人应该如何保持他们的宗教信仰, 这些年来它是如何变得有些腐败的, 每个人都应该关注平等,不要再评判别人.



2005年在埃尔科殖民地体育馆, 舞者来自内华达州和爱达荷州的部分地区, 犹他州和加利福尼亚州. 大约250人参加了这次活动.



社交聚会, 哪一个是向公众开放的, 它由各种舞蹈组成, 唱歌, 还有鹰熊家族的鼓乐队, 画马, 甜蜜的圣人, 和Buffalo Chaser. Lucillle Jones offers a prayer of blessing for all of the participants in the Pow-Wow, while the Eagle Bear Clan performs the Victory and Flag song before the festivities begin.
